
Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Painting the Door Jambs

For the next step of my project I decided to sand and paint the door jambs. This involved a thorough clean followed by a sand with 240 then 400 grit sand paper (just like to boot). Then apply the 3 coats of base coat followed by 2 coats of clear.

When it came time to paint the clear coat, I tried to apply it wetter (heavier) than previously in order to avoid the orange peel effect. Applying paint wet is a fine line, if I do it too wet and the result will be the dreaded runs and it was just my luck/skill level that I managed to get runs in the clear coat on both doors.

In the picture below, you can see the runs are most prominent around any holes. It is in these areas where the paint collects and then begins to run. If you get runs, it is very tempting to touch them to get rid of them; don’t do this! You have to let the paint dry then sand them off and touch up the paint.

To further ruin my attempt it began to rain and as I was working outside, the rain fell on my freshly painted door sills. This damage can be seen in the picture below, it is the uneven texture in the gloss at the bottom.

All the areas where the water damage occurred will need to be sanded and repainted… god damn it! Guess I will have to learn to repair and blend the paint… just another thing to add to this already steep learning curve.

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